Last Day of my three week adventure in Tulum , I went to Cenote Encontado, where two guys and a woman live in tents and take care of there hippie tent hotel. This day was special, I came across many signs through animals. This guy Cheeno who was one of the residents hung out with me , we went for a swim and came across a baby crocodile hanging out, who was happily being himself regardless how close we got he stood his ground. A crocodile represents freedom, power, and strength, to learn that reminds us that we cannot always be docile and gentle, but also be in possession of characteristics like courage, patience , honor. All things I aim to achieve , by using these characteristics to apply in my own life. Next we were back at camp making our way to the dock , heard some birds chirps, out of excitement Cheeno halts acknowledging that it was from a owl , right above our head we found a baby owl with big yellow eyes staring straight into my eyes, singing some more chirps before it took flight. This Lechuza mayan owl visited me to my belief to encourage me to see beyond the surface, and use my curiosity to guide myself in life! The owl spirit animal represents death and transformation to guide you during difficult times of letting a benevolent pattern or habit to be let go to allow growth. So me and my new friend continue our way do have some acro on a dock , to find a large lizard unafraid of us he just chilled with us , letting me get close to him , while i was acroing with Cheeno the lizard decided to walk right up to us making himself known and not afraid . This lizard seeks to show you that there are powers of survival that are untapped within you, just like when a lizard looses its tail in a battle , learn to surrender what no longer works for you so I can be open to the regenerative energies to come into my life. Walking on the beach later at night with the bright moon lighting the path , a big momma turtle makes its way toward the ocean right in front of my path , it was laying or about to lay her babies, the time of the season seeing the circle of life take its place in the world. Its said when a turtle crosses your path its a reminder that you need to have trust in your way of working things out, to carefully observe all details and then proceed. Me and my friends finally make it to dinner at Arca , right across from Radiotulum where I sell my kimonos! Not only was the dinner fantastic with the amazing creations they come up with , and the complimentary dishes they also decided to give us, in the middle of dinner Madison , Giancarlo and I were talking about life and the things going for us and how we should take on our life, a magnificent butterfly the size of my hand decides to come sit in the middle of the dinner table! Flapped its wings, made its mark, and off it fluttered ! The final animal of today that made themself during this exploration , informative day from the spirit animals , represents personal growth and transformation! Seeing these creatures calls you to look inward and see what you need in your life and how you are able to improve upon! Butterflies encourage you to pay attention to your cycles of growth , and really question what parts of your personality could use a fresh start! So these three weeks challenged me to bring to life the career path I’m creating for myself from my new kimono line to fit all the amazing people to feel good in , to sharing yoga and to make people feel good within, and help create a experience. I personally got to experience tulum not just for partying , but to be apart of it. As we grow and learn through life, it’s important to see whats good for you and how you can grow through this process of letting what ever that doesn’t benefit you , to let that part of you die and allow a wonderful transformation to take place. Within you there are powers and strength you don’t even know about because you may have found a comfortable pattern to stick to, but now its time to let that way of doing things thats holding you back to be let free , and to not have fear , to open to a new route for yourself, time of surrender comes , time to regenerate positive energies in your life. Trust yourself to work things out for the better , take your time to observe carefully, to look inward without ego and proceed toward growth and self achievement to be the person you want to be !